An animated tale about loving life again.

There’s always space left for a piece of truth in our wall.

An old frustrated writer, living lonely and sorrowful, encounters the appearance of a mysterious cat that makes him face his devastating past whilst turning everything upside down.”

Already featured in…    

Luna is a 3D animated short film already in production.


Our main goal is to find means to finance the project to fulfill these last steps of the film, as well as the distribution. Altogether, there is about a 70% of the project financed in total. We would like to finish the project as soon as possible and distribute it to a wide audience worldwide.

What's Left

The 70% of the project's budget is already secured. We are currently searching for funding on what's left.

Current Status

Currently, the project is very advanced in development. Most of the processes have already began or they have been finished. Overall, most of the shots are ready to begin the lighting or rendering steps.

Pre-Production is finished entirely.

  • We are waiting to begin the post-production phase, although some sequences have already been fully completed because of the teaser.

  • 90% percent of the animation is approved and finished.

  • The lighting process has begun in a few sequences.

  • The score is being composed.

  • There is a preliminary version of the sound design being made. 

Help us fund this project!

Every little step we’re making gets us closer to the end of production, and you can help us in many ways!

Whether you are a producer or a studio looking for investment, a professional, student or an agency who is looking forward to collaborating, or just someone who wants this to get finished as much as we do, we’re welcoming your hand and you’d be properly credited for the help.